Patient Information


What should I expect on my newborn’s first office visit?

Your first visit to the pediatrician’s office after having your baby should occur between 3-5 days after discharge from the hospital, or sooner if your pediatrician feels it is necessary. This visit is not automatically scheduled. You must call (318-212-3930) to schedule your baby’s visit according to your pediatrician’s instructions.

Please arrive for your first appointment twenty minutes early to complete paperwork at check-in. You can also save time by completing the the paperwork prior to your appointment by clicking here. Please be sure to bring an insurance card or insurance information for the baby.

Shortly after completing the check-in process, you will go to an exam room where you will be asked to undress the baby (remove everything except the diaper). This is so that accurate weight, length and head circumference measurements can be obtained. While we try to maintain a comfortable temperature in the clinic, be sure to bring a blanket to cover your baby, because the baby will remain unclothed for the rest of the visit so that the doctor can perform a comprehensive examination.

Be sure to ask us when you should return for your next appointment. You are welcome to stop by the front desk and make a return appointment or to call at a later time to schedule an appointment.

If you have any questions, comments or complaints about your visit, please ask to speak with a manager or call the office to speak with a manager between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.. We appreciate your business and welcome your comments!


  1. What are some good resources I can use to learn more about breastfeeding before my baby is born?
    The American Academy of Pediatrics has published a book entitled “New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding.” You can find it in bookstores or the American Academy Of Pediatrics Web site, It is also a good idea to sign up for a prenatal breastfeeding class. Willis Knighton offers a class called Feeding Your Baby - you can find a schedule of classes at
  2. Will there be someone at the hospital to help me with breastfeeding?
    All of the nurses who work in the nursery have basic breastfeeding knowledge that is more than sufficient to help you get started. Also, there are Registered Lactation Consultants in the area who can be contacted if you are having breastfeeding challenges. Your pediatrician can provide you with the Lactation Consultants' contact information.
  3. How soon after birth should I breastfeed my baby?
    You need to put your baby to the breast as soon as possible after delivery. Hopefully you will be able to do this within 1-2 hours after birth. Sometimes this is not possible due to delivery challenges. Don't worry; put the baby to the breast as soon as he/she is stable.
  4. How often do I need to breastfeed?
    You need to offer the breast every 2-3 hours. The baby may only feed for a few minutes at each feeding at first but he/she will gradually increase to 15-20 minutes at each feeding. It is important to wake the baby to feed until the baby is having steady weight gain.
  5. How do I know if my baby is getting enough to eat?
    Feeding your baby 8-12 times in a 24 hour period, baby acting satisfied after feeding, having 4-6 wet diapers in 24 hours, weight gain.
  6. How do I know if my baby is latched on correctly?
    Your baby's lips should be flanged with your entire nipple and most of the areola in his/her mouth. The baby's nose and chin should be slightly touching your breast. The baby's ear, shoulder, and hip should be aligned and you should be tummy to tummy.
  7. When should I expect my milk to come in?
    For the first few days you will have colostrum which is a breast milk that is packed full of antibodies. It is high in protein and carbohydrates. Colostrum comes in small quantities but it is plenty for your baby's tiny tummy! Your breast milk should come in around day five.
  8. What foods should I avoid while breastfeeding?
    There are no foods that you need to completely avoid while breastfeeding. All foods within moderation are fine. You should, however, pay attention to times when your baby may be fussy or gassy. This may be related to a particular food that is known to cause gas. (Cabbage, for instance). You should also avoid alcohol and certain medications while breastfeeding. Make sure to notify your baby's doctor of any new medications you are taking.
  9. How can I increase my milk production?
    Milk production is based on supply and demand. The easiest way to increase your milk supply is to breastfeed the baby more often or to pump after feedings. There are herbal and prescription medications that are known to increase supply. You can call your baby's doctor for recommendations.
  10. Who do I call if I am having difficulty breastfeeding?
    It is important to reach out for help when you first begin to experience any difficulty. Most breastfeeding challenges, if caught early, can be easy to fix. There are breastfeeding educators and Registered Lactation Consultants in the area as well as the La Leche League. You may contact your baby's doctor for the best course of action regarding your breastfeeding challenges.

Infant Feeding Recommendations

0-4 Months: Breastfed babies should be put to the breast every 2 - 3 hours and should nurse approximately 15 - 20 minutes. Formula with Iron: mix one can of formula (13oz) with one can of water. The newborn should gradually increase the amount of formula he takes to one can of formula every 24 hours. At some feedings your baby may be hungrier than at others so the number of ounces will not be the same at each feeding. Never prop the bottle, and do not leave the baby alone to drink it. The baby does not benefit from the introduction of baby food before 4 months of age.

4 Months: Cereal may be started one time per day. Rice and barley cereals are best to start with. Do not use wheat cereals until after 6 months. Begin with 1/2 tablespoon of cereal mixed with 1 ounce of formula or breast milk. Mix the cereal and formula/breast milk and feed by spoon. Do not put cereal in bottles. If the baby has difficulty with spoon feeding, it is best to postpone further attempts for a week or two. Gradually increase feedings until the baby takes approximately 2 tablespoons 1 - 2 times a day.

4-5 Months: Start Stage 1 vegetables. Carrots, squash, and peas are best at first. Try just 1/2 tablespoonful at first then gradually increase. Do not add more than one new vegetable every 5 days. Offer baby foods when the infant is hungry and before feeding formula so he will be encouraged to try new food. Formula feedings can be decreased to 4 - 5 per day as baby foods are taken in larger quantities. The infant still needs to get one can of formula every 24 hours and will need this amount until he is 1 year of age.

5-6 Months: Start Stage 1 fruits such as applesauce, pears, peaches, and bananas. Feed only 1 new fruit every 3 - 5 days. Start with 1/2 teaspoon and gradually increase. Feed fruits from a spoon. Never mix fruit in a bottle. Do not use desserts such as cobblers and puddings.

6-8 Months: Start Stage 2 meats and mixed dinners. Feed only 1 new food every 3-5 days. Start weaning the child from the bottle by offering formula/ breast milk from a cup at the start of each meal when he is hungrier. Weaning should be completed by the time the child is 1 year of age.

9-12 Months: Formula may be replaced by whole milk at one year. Do not use skim milk. Adequately chopped table foods can be introduced as the child tolerates them. Remember not to add more than one new food at a time. Whole cooked eggs may be added as well as more finger foods, such as meat sticks and adequately chopped fruits and vegetables. Do not use cookies, chips, soda pop, or other “junk” foods.

How can I get a copy of my child’s shot record?

Shot records can be picked-up or mailed 24 hours after they are requested. Simply call the office during office hours and request a copy of your child’s shot record. Shot records will not be faxed, only mailed to the parent or picked-up by the parent.

How can I get a copy of my child’s medical record?

Medical record requests can take up to 7 business days. We will transfer your records from doctor to doctor as a courtesy and at no fee to the patient, however there is a charge if the parent requests a personal copy.

Do you have any tips for parents about babysitters?

Finding a babysitter:

  • Ask family, friends, coworkers if they know of reliable babysitters. 
  • Find babysitters who have been certified.
  • Start looking early so that you can make an informed decision.

Hiring a babysitter: 

  • Check references: Speak with other parents who have used the sitter’s services. Talk with teachers, neighbors, etc. 
  • Interview sitters: To ensure that you feel comfortable with the sitter, set up interviews with qualified candidates. Questions you should ask include: 
    • How long have you been babysitting?
    • What age groups have you worked with? 
    • Do you know CPR and the Heimlich maneuver? 
    • What days and hours are you available? 
    • How much advance notice do you require? 
  • Ensure that the sitter’s age is appropriate for keeping your children. You want the sitter to be old enough to care for infants and babies, and also want the age difference to be sufficient for supervision of older children. 
  • Agree in advance about the hourly cost per child. Knowing this ahead of time makes payment later a more comfortable transaction.

When the sitter arrives:

  • Schedule the sitter to arrive 15 minutes before you need to leave. 
  • Make sure the sitter knows where and for how long you will be gone, how to reach you, rules about meals, play, television, computer time, etc. Carefully discuss general safety information including bathing, allergies and emergency information.
  • Where applicable, talk with your children about bedtimes, safety instructions and appropriate behaviors.

When you return home: 

  • Take a few minutes to speak with the babysitter about the events of the evening, the children’s behaviors and any noteworthy events that occurred. Be sure to ask if there was anything the sitter needed that was not available so that you can be better prepared in the future. 
  • Calculate the hours the sitter was working multiplied by the hourly rate/child to which you agreed. You should not have to ask, “How much do I owe you?” Such questions are uncomfortable for the sitter and may result in reluctance to work for you again. 
  • Thank the sitter!
Willis Knighton Health