Welcome to our clinic and thank you for choosing Willis Knighton Pediatric Healthcare Associates. It is our hope to provide you with the best care possible.
Records may be requested from your former doctor at the time of your first visit. If you desire that records be transferred from a doctor’s office before your first visit with us, you may come to our office and complete an Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information form, so that we have time to request and receive your records prior to your visit.
Making an appointment for either a sick or well visit is easy and fast. Just give us a call at 318-212-3930. The office sees patients by appointment only. Walk-ins are discouraged.
You can also Request An Appointment Online.
To serve you better, you can complete most of your paperwork online.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: Urgent Care Only
Please call the office on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. for an urgent care appointment.
All copays, coinsurance, deductibles and non-covered items are due at the time of visit.
We ask that you provide your current insurance information at every visit, to make sure we have your most up to date insurance information.
We accept Cash, Check, Money orders, Visa, Mastercard and Discover. You can also pay online using our Online Bill Pay.
WK Pediatric Healthcare Associates participates in many insurance plans. Patients are required to furnish proof of insurance at the time of service. Co-payment for HMO’s, PPO’s and other managed care plans must be paid at the time of service. Billing patients for their co-pays is a violation of many managed care contracts and will not be allowed. Co-payments will be collected at check-in before the physician sees the patient. If the patient does not have the co-pay at the time of the visit, the patient may reschedule the appointment in order to meet the co-pay requirement.
The patient’s annual deductible amounts, coinsurance amount or charges that are not covered by insurance will be the obligation of the patient and due at the time of the visit. If the patient has met his/her deductible for the current year and can verify this with an Explanation of Benefits from the insurance carrier, only the coinsurance and non-covered charges will be due at the time of the visit.
You have only 30 days to add your baby to your insurance plan. If you do not all newborn care will not be covered by your insurance company.
Parents with PPO, HMO, and other co-pay plans: If you do not have proof of coverage, you will be responsible for the total amount charged. Once you obtain insurance for your newborn we will be glad to go back and file any office visits within 90 days of service that you have paid for previously. Insurance will not allow filing of charges that are more than 90 days old.
Your information is privacy-protected. You must sign a request in order for us to release information to your insurance company or to friends/ family.
Copyright © 2025 Willis Knighton Pediatric Healthcare Associates. All rights reserved.